
Masks. That’s all you see now is masks. Open Facebook up… the, “social network,” that we all know and love: the leading news headliner. Or not.

You scroll, and you see prayers for those victimized by COVID, yet on the same screen you see Trump supporters screaming irrational insults at the opposing party. You see Biden supporters discussing the frailty of our former president. Telling the world that his twitter posts were so funny they forgot to realize the racially and politically  polarized state of the nation.

I once believed Trump was the Anti-Christ, but he was really the next thing coming after a black man, you should meet him, he’s the best, BARACK OBAMA, came to presidency. Think it was too early for our country to have a black president?

There was actually no right time for Obama, really.

Unfortunately, the United States always tragically favored the white man. Though the, “white man,” did create one of the most brilliant and foolproof democratic systems Western Civilization has yet to see, this system that was all too perfect, until…

It’s too bad, Checks and balances, neglected to account for the fact that the real enemy is, and always will be, Racism. It always has been. From Hitler, to Castro, to Mousseline; it has always come down to Race in Western Civilization. Race created the World Power we all now know as the leader of the free world (that’s us by the way). It happened during a momentous landmark in history, formally referred to as; WWII.

Because, still during this,” international pandemic,” when the news isn’t covering the catastrophic amounts of people infected with the virus, they’re conversing, no arguing AT one another about the election that past. An election that would have no bearing on what’s happening. An election that was really, “just for show.”

No one wants to look at the truth. If a vaccine, is, definitively, the act of injecting the masses with the exact virus that the vaccine combats, in order for the public to build immunity for it and so extinguish it as a virus by allowing humans to grow, “calluses,” if you will, (Calluses never hurt a guitar player; at least not in my experience), why not do just that. Too many lawsuits. Truthfully and tragically we all know that’s the case.

Let’s take a realistic glance at COVID, at Politics and the state of the nation.

Tune into; as I explore the dynamics of the national, sorry, international pandemic that is plaguing our current hearts and minds.


The real truth…about the state of the nation.